Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Spring Chickens (& Calves & Pumpkins)

From Bloom Where You're Planted Farm's Blog on

This is a great time of year at Bloom Where You're Planted Farm. Rain has been plentiful, the grass and trees look lush and healthy, and the iris and peonies are starting to bloom. In the next week or so we'll start planting some of our longer-season pumpkins and gourds. The full planting assault will happen around Memorial Day, hopefully finishing up the first couple days of June. I can't wait to get out in the dirt! Its so exciting to think about all the pumpkins we'll harvest, plus its great exercise!

On April 29 we brought home five hens, a cross between Rhode Island Reds and New Hampshires (so they're very East Coast but seem to be enjoying the Midwest!) April 30 & May 1 was our second-annual Spring Open House. It was good seeing the familiar faces of some of our loyal customers and friends, and exciting to meet some first-time guests, too. The following weekend we held a "Barn Sale" -- basically a big yard sale heavy on the antiques and primitives. We made room for all the "new" antiques, primitives and gift shop merchandise we'll be bringing in for this fall.

The most fun thing this spring has been the arrival of two baby calves. Fern delivered her first calf on May 1, a bull calf we named Mayday. Ten days later, Molly's calf Rosy arrived. I surprised myself (and really surprised Terry, when I told him the story later) by jumping in to help pull her when I realized she was coming out rump-first and upside down. Molly may have been fine without me, but ideally they should come out head/front feet first, and I got scared. Both calves are perfect and they're SO darn cute!



Well, I'd better get outside to enjoy this great weather and get something accomplished. Have a great spring, and we hope to see you soon at the farm!

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