From the blog of Bloom Where You're Planted Farm and Pumpkin Patch
Early summer greetings from our farm and pumpkin patch in southeastern Nebraska! We've been receiving lots of rain lately, which has been both a blessing and a curse. The cornfield I see out my kitchen window grows visibly every day, and all the other field crops, grass and flowers are looking great. It makes it a little hard to get regular weeding done in the pumpkin patches (and unfortunately weeds love the rain, too!) but we've formulated a game plan and have been trying to keep up as much as we can.
The butterfly garden next to the chicken coop is in full bloom
Luckily, there are plenty of projects to keep us occupied when it's too muddy to work in the dirt. I've continued painting and sprucing things up, and Terry has the new steps into the gift shop framed and ready for cement. When the ground dries up in a day or two we'll get the gourd garden planted, and the vines should be lush and vigorous by opening day of our Pumpkin Festival. We renovated the fire pit that we use for our campfire parties and we think it looks great! It will also be safer for our little visitors.
On June 23, "Homer", the mascot for the Lincoln Saltdogs baseball team, visited the farm to film part of a promotional video to be shown at Weeping Water Community Night with the Saltdogs in August. It was a gorgeous, mild day (which the guy in the giant dog suit was thankful for!) for Homer to take a hayride and lots of photos with our young friends.
June 25 was Limestone Day in Weeping Water, and we took our hayrack through the parade. We're planning to do the July 4th parade in Murdock, so watch for us if you're there!
We had our first fall field trip inquiry of the season the other day, so it's not too early to start thinking about your own field trip, birthday party, or campfire party plans. We hope to see you soon at the farm!